Depending on your company's configuration and your account, Rainbow may offer you a softphone. As a Rainbow user, you can call internal or external phone numbers.
Make a Phone Call by Entering Directly the Contact's Number
Enter directly the number of your contact using the search/call area or the keypad.
Note: Phone number format supported:
- Short number for an internal contact.
- International number (digits only): 00 Country RegionCode Number (for example: 0033390123456).
- Canonical number: +Country/RegionCode Number (for example: +33390123456 or +33 (0)3 90123456).
- Contact number without country code for a contact in the same country.
Using the search/call area
- In the search/call area, enter the contact's number using your keyboard. The number is displayed in place of the recent conversations.
- Select the call icon next to the dialed number or simply press the Return key on your keyboard.
- The call is initiated.
Using the keypad
- Open the dialpad next the search/call area.
- Enter the contact's number.
- Select the call icon to initiate the call.
- Open the dialpad next the search/call area.
- Enter the contact's number.
- Select the call icon to initiate the call.
Make a Phone Call using Contact Information Tab
- Open a the " Contact information" tab of the contact you want to call.
- If the the contact information contains one or more numbers, such as a work phone number or mobile phone number, select the number you wish to call.
- The call is initiated.
- Open a conversation.
- Click on " Setting".
- Click on " Call" under the avatar of your contact.
Make a Phone Call using Personals Contacts
- Open your Contacts Space by clicking on the icon in the left menu.
- Open your personal contact, by selecting "My personal contacts" from the picklist in the top bar.
All your personal contacts are displayed in alphabetical order. - Select the call icon next the contact to call. If your contact has more than one numbers, a pick list is opened. Select the number to call.
- The call is initiated.
Tips: Create, modify or delete a personal contact. Learn more
- On the bottom bar, go to " Contacts Space".
- Tap " Filter contacts" next to the search bar.
- Select "Personal" and tap "OK".
- Your personal contact list will be displayed.
- Tap the contact's name to display the call options.
- Tap the call option to start the call.
Tips: Create, modify or delete a personal contact. Learn more
Make a Phone Call using Call Log
- Open your Calls Space by clicking on the icon in the left menu (If there is one or more missed calls, the number of missed calls is displayed alongside the icon: ).
- Select the call icon next to the contact name or number to make a call.
- The call is initiated.
Tips: Manage my phone calls history . Learn more
- On the bottom bar, go to " Calls Space". (If there is one or more missed calls, the number of missed calls is displayed alongside the icon: ).
- Tapping on a contact's name displays various action options.
- Tap the ” Call” option to start a call.
Tips: Manage my phone calls history . Learn more
Take a Phone Call
When you receive an incoming call, a pop-up is displayed, allowing you to answer the call by selecting " Accept" button, or decline the call by selecting "Decline" button.
If the callee is using Rainbow, you can select the "Send message" button to reject the call by sending a predefined message ("I will call back as soon as I can.", "Sorry, I am in a meeting.") or any custom message through Rainbow's instant messaging feature ("Send a message").
When you receive an incoming call, you can answer the call with " Accept" button, or decline the call by selecting " Decline" button.
If the incoming caller is using the Rainbow, select the " Message" button to send a pre-defined message ("I will call you back as soon as I can", "Sorry, I am in a meeting") or use the Rainbow's instant messaging feature ("Other...") to You can send a custom message to reject an incoming call.
Next steps: Refer to the article "Manage a Phone Call" to learn what is possible to do during a call. Learn more.