List Pending Invited Contacts
At any time you can list all pending invited contacts.
- Open your Contacts Space by clicking on the icon in the left menu.
List pending invited contacts, by selecting "Pending inveted contact" from the picklist in the top bar.
All the people you have invited to join your network are listed.
- Open your Contacts Space by clicking on the icon .
- Click on " Filter" and select "Pending invitations" to list pending invitations.
iOS:Coming soon
Cancel an Invitation
You can cancel an invitation before it is accepted.
From the contact information tab
- Open the Contact Information tab by selecting the contact you have invited.
- Select the "Cancel this invitation" .
From the pending invited contacts list
- Open the pending invited contacts list (see above).
- Select "Suppress this invitation from the list" for the contact for whom you want to cancel the invitation.
- Confirm removal by selecting the "Remove" button.
- Open the pending invited contacts list (see above).
- Select "" for the contact for whom you want to cancel the invitation.
iOS:coming soon