This feature allows to have 1 dedicated LAN port (eth0) to connect to the PBX (local subnet) and 1 dedicated LAN port (eth1) to connect to Rainbow Cloud through internet.
Both LAN connections have to be configured with the command mpnetwork
- The options IP2, NETMASK2, GATEWAY2 and DNS are dedicated to LAN2 (eth1) for the connection to Rainbow Cloud - Internet.
- GATEWAY2 is always used as the default gateway.
- The WAN side firewall must enable all outgoing traffic as described in Network Requirements chapter "WebRTC gateway to Rainbow Cloud".
- The options IP, NETMASK, LOCALDNS, LOCALDOMAIN are dedicated to LAN1 (eth0) for the connection to the PBX (local subnet).
- Routes have to be configured to manage the flow from WebRTC gateway to PBX and local devices.
- The LAN side firewall (in case Duo LAN configuration for WebRTC gateway in a DMZ) must enable all flows detailed in Network Requirements chapter "WebRTC Gateway flows to PBX and local devices/clients".
mpnetwork options:
--IP2=xx --NETMASK2=xx --GATEWAY2=<default_gateway)
--ROUTES="eth[0|1],ip, mask, gateway[;...]"
Note: using a proxy for media streams (mpmproxy on|tcp|tls) is not supported in Duolan configuration.