This feature is allowed for Rainbow user with at least a Business License and associated to a device in PBX (e.g. remote extension, deskphone or softphone).
System configuration allows manager/assistant groups to be formed, so that the manager's calls can be directed to one or more assistants. This way, the assistant can screen their manager’s calls and only transfer the useful ones.
A manager/assistant group consists of one manager and one or several assistants.
The manager can:
- Activate delegation: the manager does no longer receive phone calls. The manager's phone calls are managed by available assistants in the group. Delegation can be activated by the manager provided that there is at least one assistant in the group.
- Deactivate delegation: the manager receives and answers phone calls.
- Supervise the status of all assistants.
- In case of call overflow on voice mail, listen to the voice messages left by callers.
Each assistant can:
- Activate delegation: the assistant handle the manager incoming calls on behalf, with possibility to forward calls, if necessary.
- Deactivate delegation: the assistant does no more receive the incoming phone calls for the manager.
- Supervise the status of the manager.
- Change their availability.
- If configured, cancel the call forwarding of the manager.
- In case of call overflow on voice mail, listen to the voice messages left by callers.
Acting in a Manager/Assistant Supervision Group as Manager
Browse the Home Page
- All assistants are listed under the "Delegate Calls" section above the "Recent Conversations".
- Activate or deactivate the call delegation. When call delegation is activated, all your incoming phone calls are received to your available assistants.
- In additional of the the real-time Rainbow presence status, the number of available assistant is displayed.
- Open the Call delegation window to list all assistants with their Call delegation status : "Available" or "Not available".
- Call your assistant.
Note: The Call delegation status doesn't depend on the Rainbow status. An assistant can be disconnected from Rainbow but is available on the associated desk phone for example. The Call delegation status depends on the PBX.
Call Delegation Window
Open the Call delegation window.
All information about your Manager and Assistants status is displayed.
- Activate or deactivate the call delegation. When call delegation is activated, all your incoming phone calls are received to your available assistants.
- Show the availability of your assistants.
- Close the Call delegation window.
Activate or Deactivate Manager's Call Delegation
Use on of the following:
- From the homepage, activate or deactivate call delegation by checking or unchecking the "Call delegation" checkbox.
- From the call delegation window, activate or deactivate call delegation by checking or unchecking the "Delegate to assistans" checkbox.
Receive an Incoming Call
- You receive an incoming. You can answer the call by clicking on call icon or ignore the call by clicking on the hang-up icon.
- Whitout action or if you ignore the call, your manager can manage your call. In this case, the call is marked as missed call.
- Your assistant, after filtering the call, can transfer it to you. You can accept, decline or send a message to your correspondant.
Acting in a Manager/Assistant Supervision Group as Assistant
Browse the Home Page
- Your manager is listed under the "Delegate Calls" section above the "Recent Conversations".
- Activate or deactivate the call delegation. When call delegation is activated, you can receive all manager's incoming phone calls.
- In additional of the the real-time Rainbow presence status, the available of your manager is displayed.
- Open the Call delegation window to see the Call delegation status of your manager: "Available" or "Not available". Define your availability. Show the forwarded status of your manager (: no forwad, : call forward activated; Cancel the forward if necessary).
- Call your manager.
You can quickly check your manager's phone status:
: Your manager is busy.
: The number of ongoing calls with your manager is displayed. Calls in progress are listed just below.
Note: The Call delegation status of your manager doesn't depend on the Rainbow status. Your manager can be disconnected from Rainbow but is available on the associated desk phone for example. The Call delegation status depends on the PBX.
Call Delegation Window
Open the Call delegation window.
All information about your manager's status is displayed.
- Activate or deactivate the call delegation. When call delegation is activated, you can receive all manager's incoming phone calls.
- Show the status of your manager : call delegation status, forward.
- Activate or deactivate the call delegation of your manager.
- : cancel the manager's forward.
- Close the Call delegation window.
Activate or Deactivate Manager's Call Delegation
As an assistant, I can change the call delegation status of my manager. The current status is displayed in the Delegation calls area.
- Open the call delegation window.
- Activate or deactivate call delegation by checking or unchecking the checkbox of your manager.
Change my availability
As an assistant, I can update my availability to answer my manager's calls.
Use one of the following:
- From the homepage, indicate my availability to answer manager's calls by checking or unchecking the "Delegation: I'm available" checkbox.
- Open the call delegation window. Indicate my availability to answer manager's calls by checking or unchecking the "I'm available" checkbox.
Cancel the Call Forward of the Manager
- Open the call delegation window. Information about the call forward of your manager is displayed. Manager's phone calls are forwarded to a number.
- Select the " Change forward" icon.
- Select the " Cancel call forwading" icon to cancel your manager's formard.
Receive an Incoming Call
- When you are Available as an assistant, a pop-up notifies you that your manager is receiving an incoming phone call. Information about the caller and the manager concerned by the call is displayed.
- Take the call on behalf of your manager.
Next steps: If necessary, transfer the call to your manager. See below.
Transfer the call to your manager
- You are in conversation with the person trying to reach your manager. After understanding their request, you decide to forward the call to your manager.
- In the Delegation calls section, select the " Transfer calls" icon to direct transfer the call to your manager. You can also call your manager by selecting the call icon before transfering the call (in this case, your correspond is put on hold).
Manage Voice Messages
A shared voicemail can be configured by your administrator for the Manager/Assistant group. In this case, both the manager and assistants can access this voicemail in the event of a call overflow, meaning if neither the manager nor the assistants could answer a call.
When a new message is available, it appears in the "Recent Conversations" list with the Manager/Assistant group name (e.g., Tim Foster in our example).
- Select the message in "Recent Conversations". The new message can be found in the " Voicemail" tab, where the icon indicates a new message. Information about the caller, date, and message duration is displayed.
- / : Listen/Pause the voicemail playback. Use the contextual menu to Delete the message.