This article allows administrators to configure the programmable keys of telephone devices associated to company members.
The number of available programmable keys depends on the type of telephone device.
A key can be programmed for:
- Speed dial: to reach a company member, hunt group or external number
Supervision: to supervise the state of a company member and to intercept his incoming calls
Note: A hunt group cannot be supervised via a programmable key. Only incoming calls are supervised. Clicking on an idle supervision key will call the supervised user.
- Forward: to forward incoming calls to a company member, hunt group or external number
- Headset: to use the headset instead of the handset, if plugged
- Audio Hub: to use the telephone device as a USB audiohub for the computer of the company member
Note: The label of the following programmable keys can be customized: Speed dial, Supervision and Forward.
To configure programmable keys for a company member:
- From the Rainbow application, click on Manage your company in the left panel.
- In the MY COMPANY panel, click on the name of your company.
- In the left panel, click on Members.
- In the right panel of the window, click on the Members tab.
- Click on the target company member.
- In the pop-up window which opens, select the Prog. keys tab, then the Device tab.
- Click on the target box and configure:
- The key type: Speed dial, Supervision, Forward, Headset or Audio Hub
- If Speed dial or Forward is selected, the destination type: Member, Hunt group or External number
- If Hunt group is selected, the target hunt group and name (i.e. label of the programmable key)
- If External number is selected, the public number of target external user and name (i.e. label of the programmable key)
- If Member is selected, the target company member and name (i.e. label of the programmable key)
Note:- Use the search by name to select the member as destination of the programmable key.
- Only members configured with an extension number can be selected.
- Click on Update.
A speed dial key is identified by icon.
A supervision key is identified by icon.
A forward key is identified by icon.
Example of programmable key configuration: - Click on Apply to validate changes.
Note: From the Device tab, you can also:
- Delete a programmable key: click on the target box and Remove.
- Modify a programmable key: click on the target box, modify its type and/or destination, and click on Update.